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  (#9060 (permalink)) Old
Gwynbleidd Offline
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Name: Mike
Gender: Male
Location: NC, USA

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Re: Song/Quote of the day! - February 3rd 2016, 12:48 AM

"I'm living like a landmine
Waiting to explode!
I'm ticking like a time-bomb
Ready to go!
I'm a danger to myself
And everybody else

I'm living like a landmine
Waiting to explode!
I'm ready to go!"

"You take me to the edge
You push me too far
You watch me slip away
I'm holding on too hard"

Tell me a lie in a beautiful way,
I believe in answers, just not today

"Càed'mil, bloede dh'oine... Hocus-pocus... Abracadabra...Arse blathanna..."
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