Re: 3hr distance between friends, will it work? -
January 22nd 2016, 01:35 PM
Like Alyssa said, it largely depends on you guys. Often, when people go to university they either drift away from high school friends, stay kind of the same, or get closer. It really shows you who your "real" friends were - the ones willing to communicate with you and see you when you come home for whatever even if they can't always see you.
I know when I went to university I drifted away from so many of my friends. Only about 1/4 of the people I thought were my friends I am still friends with. It's not that I came to dislike any of these people, it's just that for one reason or another we drifted apart. That said, I've lived 4+ hours away from my best friend for almost 10 years now because she moved after grade 9 and we stayed really close. When I went to university, I stayed close with my other 2 best friends; one of them I got closer with and the other I have sort of drifted apart from in the 6/7 years since but not much, we still talk a lot. Other friends, some I talk to only when I plan to go home. It's hard cause not all people are willing to make the effort to stay in touch. They're living their lives and you're living yours. When your making new friends, sometimes old ones slip. Not that it'll happen, it's just that you tend to be like "well, this person and this person mean the most so I'll try really hard there"
Feel free to PM me if you ever need to chat or have questions 