New member, chronic depression, lonely -
January 16th 2016, 05:06 PM
Hello, I've decided to be completely honest about this which I never have been, even online. I've had chronic depression for 4 years now, and I haven't had a friend for that amount of time as well. I dropped out of school, primarily because of the depression, but I've always disliked the public education system anyways.
So, I've isolated myself from society, and have kept all of these feelings and thoughts internally. Obviously not a good thing. I'm not suicidal, but I am basically in bed throughout the entire day, not able to motivate myself to do anything productive, you know the story. Exhausted, lonely, afraid, guilty, hopeless, ashamed, etc.
I apologize for coming across as a robot, I wrote this up in the middle of the night, and this week has been incredibly dreadful, after ignoring my problems for months, distracting myself through video games, T.V, the Internet, it's all come back to me in full swing, and I haven't felt this bad in a very long time.
Recently I've opened up to my mom about my depression, she doesn't understand completely of course, but she offers support, and has been very patient with me. I'm seeing my doctor next month and will bring it up.
In the meantime, I'd really appreciate having someone to talk to. I just miss having somebody my age to joke around with, talk to, share stories with, etc. I know there are a lot of people here who say they are willing to talk, but I always feel like I'd only be a burden to them, or I'm not as interesting as they are.
I appreciate any advice.