Re: I need help with my girlfriend. And my mental health -
January 7th 2016, 08:21 AM
I feel like i failed her. Basicly she has told me thatbits because she needs to find out who she is, thatbshe failed all her classes in uni. Because they are really hard and now shes upgrading so that she can be nursing and she is scared that she will be kicked out because of her gpa, the first day i texted her it was alot of texts, i asked her if she foynd someo e else. And she hasnt and she said the break is not to find someone else. And continued on about how she needs to find out who she is. Next night i texted her, i was ballung my eyes ouy amd i was begging her to take me back (i realise my mistame now) but she replied to my saying the same thing, i looked it up on the web and the guy said that when she ment a break fron the relationship she doesnt mean leaving my lufe forever. Today i looked at her fb and theres no relationship status anymore but theres a picture of me on her profile picture with all her friends and me and her in eachothers arms. Anyways after looking up that thing on the internet i felt like a burden was rekeased fron my shoulders, saying that many relationships go through this and they come out stronger. So i texted her saying i understood wjy she wanted a break and that i should find myself as well amd be a better me, then i stayed awaje in my pitch black room amd got really lonely amd depressed while trying to sleep. I texted her one last time saying im sorry for putting her through the fear of me dying amd calling the police. ive decided on getting counciling to deal with my past in my foster home up untill now. And im taking my medications again (prozac 100mg), basicly u want to know from you if u believe this is normal relationship stuff? Is it possible to continue our relationship stronger and more involved?. Why would tge real reason be that she broke up with me and why is she ignoring me. But as of now i am cutting the ties witg her. No matter how hard it hurts im going to refrain from texting her or looking at her pictures. After my exams are done im going to text her asking if we can meet for coffee amd just catch up. Thank you.