Thread: Female Advice Preferred: Worrying about a late period.
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Re: Worrying about a late period. - January 5th 2016, 08:13 PM

Thanks Nicole, I really appreciate your answer. Really.

Its a week late as of today, still no sign of starting other than I got incredibly moody the other night. Which I do tend to get a few days before my period, but that could be anything. Like the stress getting to me, anything really.

I think my boyfriend and I will retest this weekend just to really rule pregnancy out once and for all, even though I'm pretty sure thats not it. But I don't know, I could be wrong. And just go from there and figure out what to do, he is worried about me. I'm stressing out, when I know I really need to not be. But its hard, I feel really alone and scared. And I feel guilty talking to him, because he feels guilty for making me worried. He feels like this is his fault somehow, when it isn't. So I keep trying to stay distracted when I can, though I'm running out of things to do, I don't have many people I talk to.

Anyway, thanks Nicole, I really appreciate the answer. I'm just trying to hold out my hope that its nothing. That my period is just being a douche and is late for no good reason. I actually looked back and found that about a year and a half ago it was about this late for no good reason (I wasn't sexually active at the time), this time I am sexually active so of course there is more to worry about. So it has happened before, I had just forgotten about it. So I'm just trying to hope for the best, and distract myself the best I can and get through this week.

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