Today marks a very special day, and that would happen to be my girlfriend's birthday, so...


For the longest time since I first met you on here, I really cherish having you in my life. It means the whole world to me that you love and care about me, and I'm happy that we're still together in our relationship. I hope you realize how much you mean to me, and had it not been for meeting on here, our lives would've been different, and probably not the same without each other. So, here's to being thankful for being alive and well, and for not giving up on each other, no matter how difficult of times we've been through. Remember to be thankful for everything in your life, and quality always counts more than quantity.

You're the bestest girlfriend ever, and don't forget that you can always come to me about anything. Thank you for always being supportive of me.
Well, hope you enjoy your day, especially since your teen years are officially gone!! I'll be talking to you soon, and feel better. Love you lotsies forever and always.