Thread: Female Advice Preferred: Worrying about a late period.
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Worrying about a late period. - January 4th 2016, 03:43 AM

I'm really kinda embarrassed to make this thread, but I need some advice.

My periods have been wonky since about October. I've been tracking my periods for a couple years now.

Since October my periods every month have been late by 2 days, or something like that. And normally my period is regular as can be, and when I was tracking it it was right on. And it was no big deal. But now...

My period was due last Tuesday, its now Sunday and there has been no sign of it.

I took a pregnancy test on Friday when my boyfriend was here, and it was negative. Which is actually what I was expecting, because in the last month we have barely had sex due to a bunch of reasons, and its all been protected. I mean we do have our moments of not being protected (which I know, is stupid, and I've learned my lesson before, trust me I have) But he has never cum in me, if its ever not protected its only for like a minute. I know that still has risks, we both know.

Plus I'm not on any birth control, I can't be on any hormonal birth control, lucky me. I'm on a medication that makes any hormonal birth control ineffective, so pretty much my only option is the copper IUD and I'm scared about getting that for my own personal reasons. And I can't just switch my medication, this has been the only medication that controls my severe migraines.

Anyway, so my period is late. And I don't know why its so late. Sure I was stressed a bit last month, but not anymore than normal, I've been more stressed and had my period like normal. And I'm sick right now. But I've been sick before and had my period (not fun) so it just doesn't make sense. Nothing makes sense.

Would it be worth testing again next weekend when my boyfriend is back, even though I'm pretty sure it will be negative again? The chances of me being pregnant are not very high from this last month. I just, I don't know whats going on and I'm getting a little worried and I don't know what to do. I don't feel comfortable talking to my mom about it, I only have my boyfriend to talk about it, and he has been amazing, but I also know talking to him about it makes him feel bad and worry about me. So I just want some other options. I also can't just go see a doctor on my own, as I don't currently have a drivers license, and there is no public transportation in my town (I live in the middle of nowhere) I would have to go through someone else, and while I could go through my boyfriend, he would be happy too... He is rarely here due to our distance (he lives two hours away from me) If I don't get a period at all in January, I WILL see a doctor.

Sorry for rambling, I'm just worrying about this and don't know where else to turn about it.

So any thoughts? Is it just stress finally getting to me? Or other health stuff? Should I test again? Should I just not worry about it so much?

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