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Sophrosyne Offline
The Cute Half
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Name: Raven
Age: 24
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Location: Narnia

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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - December 15th 2015, 09:41 AM

OK, past me....

What the heck were you thinking????!!!!!! Posting things like that on a PUBLIC SITE where the ENTIRE WORLD can see. There's this thing called being on PRIVATE if you are going to post triggering and frankly UNTRUE things on the internet. NONE of that stuff was true and I mean none like seriously. You moron. Saying those things like are you trying to get better or just try and make everyone else depressed as well?! And I don't care what you thought, if they actually were true or not, like you can't just say those things if they aren't true. And then going and complaining about other pages that have triggering stuff on them, when you have legit the EXACT SAME FREAKING STUFF on your page! Like, what the heck? You disgust me. Those posts disgust me and sometimes I feel like you weren't trying to get better and let out your emotions, you were just trying to be "funny" and "relatable" and get tons of followers like the true idiot you are. Saying those things. Where are your morals, your dignity, your respect? Your wanting to get better? Just everything seriously. Boy am I glad I deleted them before someone else decided to go down my pictures and see them. I wouldn't want people looking at them and getting worse and believing half that stuff like ugh that's disgusting trying to make other people see that.

Really need to just have a little vent to past me there. I feel so much better. I was a right idiot wasn't I.

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