Thread: Female Advice Preferred: Period confusion?
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Question Period confusion? - December 11th 2015, 03:02 PM

I didn't record the month date of my period, so it's been hard to know this month's due time. But roughly i think my last was 5 weeks ago?

Anyways, I normally get all symptoms (feeling sick, headaches, abdominal pains, very sore breasts etc)

So yesterday, towards evening about 5/6pm i came on: however, it was black blood?
(I know old blood can be brown towards ending of your periods or dark in color, which has been common for me aha) but never have i started my period with black blood? I've had my periods since i was 10, I'm 17 now, so this is unusual.

Sorry if TMI: But i cleaned myself up (used a pad) and about 4hrs later there was nothing there. When i peed, nothing came on the tissue either?

So today waking up i woke up after 2pm today lol (going sleep at about 1:00am) but that's a lot of hours - still there was only very very little dark color on the pad but not fresh looking at all. Again when i peed after waking up, nothing came one the tissue besides clear discharge with bit of brown in it... that's it.

It also doesn't smell like that horrible period smell, it smells different like normal clear discharge... which is odd?

I've had no period symptoms in the slightest.
Besides bloating, feeling extremely fatigued and my breast felt wet lastnight?
that was weird for me also. :|

I've tried googling to get some idea of a period STARTING with black blood; but it all comes up with periods ending with dark color bleeding (unhelpful)

I just want to run out any thoughts, like worrying myself!

I'm just gonna tie this in now: I am sexually active (But i don't think i'm pregnant either) I had unprotected sex over a month or so ago, but i got my last period after that intercourse the one i mentioned above roughly 5 week ago - so that ruled that out.

I've had intercourse after my last period but used protection both times, beside last weekend... kinda got carried away. But that would be to early considering it's only been a week, I know pull out method still gives a high risk, but it was one of those stupid moments

I'm just trying to figure out the abnormal bleeding, for a few hours then stopped? Or if anyone has experienced this, and give insight?

Like is it health wise worryisome? etc. any possibilities?

Thanks for reading<3 xxx