I can't get enough *********
Name: BDF
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Re: How can I establish boundaries between me and my parents? -
December 6th 2015, 07:27 PM
If I had to live in an environment like that, I'd have to get the hell out as soon as possible, by any means necessary.
I'm good at sharing... when people ask me. I can tell if someone's been through my things, even if just the zip on my bag is in a different place, or the key in my door is turned the wrong way. Plus I keep my desktop on all the time and have two webcams running off it recording 48h compressed video before auto-deletion. Cheap & nasty webcams, and cheap software, and a cheap old desktop PC too, but it's a good deterrent if I'm living with other people that I don't quite trust.
When I was living in a student house a while ago, cretins took my laptop without asking because they lost their charger, and had a go at me for having a password on it and they "wanted to watch movies". I still don't know what the fuck I did wrong at which point, to lend those imbeciles the impression that that kind of shit would fly with me. Personal laptop, personal stuff, documents, history, website logins, facebook, etc. Like I said, they were cretins, and I don't think I'll ever figure out what they were thinking. I've given up ages ago. Like some things are are too "complex" for a person of certain intelligence to understand, some things are also just too stupid. I threatened them with police then, and reported it to the hall manager to show that I wasn't talking shit. I must have won the "unpopularity trophie" that year. That's also when I started using cameras and stuff to keep and eye out for me.
They tried taking other stuff before that. Didn't "try" actually, they did it. Stealing food was their favorite. I mixed laxatives and japanese wasabi paste and chili sauces (depends which ones dissolved easier) with things like my jams, milk, etc. The whole thing got me interested in foreign foods, because they were sometimes too stupid and ignorant to even know what a loaf of bread from a different country looks like, and didn't want to touch it not knowing what it is. I say that, because one asked me once if it was a "turtle", and I said "yes". In his defence, he was drunk then, but I don't think drink made him much more stupid than his usual baseline levels of intelligence.
Fucking oafs. Beats me how people like that make it to university. I never asked them how they got in. I presume it's got a lot to do with "positive descrimination" and whatnot.
I know none of that is any kind of advice. It's a completely different situation to laying down boudaries with parents. It is 10x harder with parents. If I've got to be brutaly honest here, I just lie to mine about many things. I hate it, but I've tried reaching a middle-ground, and failed on most fronts. I've tried for a long time. They are kind of aware of most of it. I've gotten better at lying, and it seems to keep the peace. I feel like I did what I reasonably could. Anything else, is up to them. I still live with them, but like I said, there is peace, and we even get along most of the time, and I don't buy into popular trends of "getting my own place" just because everyone else is, at almost any expense, unless it actually benefits me. Although thinking of it right now... I don't actually lie as much anymore. I suppose the trust has been restored a little. I often refrain from telling the whole truth even if I want to, but that's not the same as blatant lies.
It comes down to shit like if my mum asks me if I've seen some movie, and I say "yes", then my dad has a go at me for (according to him) doing nothing else with my time besides watching movies. I don't need those kinds of fucking comments and agrow, so I lie. He doesn't know what I do with 90% (or more) of my time anyway. My dad had a habit of installing keyloggers and spyware on any damn machine in our house he could. Even on my mum's. It kind of worked out well for me though. It's got my guard up. I use SED SSDs now with pre-boot passwords, anti-virus, anti-spyware, LastPass password storage with ubi-keys. I can change most of my passwords across most of my accounts and auto-generate new ones in just half an hour. My machines are useless junk in the hands of anyone else but me. My mum on the other hand... just throws blunt objects at him and yells every time she sees him sitting in front of her laptop without asking... and yet, he still does it. Personally, I think he actually enjoys the attention. Fucking disfunctional if that's the case, but he's 40 years older, and I'm done arguing long ago.
Sorry. Not much "advice", I know. Real advice I have: focus on productive things. Don't argue if you can't win, whether you're in the right or not, because it is a waste of time. What do you want in life? Focus on that, not other nonsense.
"I don't care about politics"
Then politics doesn't care about you either. Truth. You've got to make your voice heard, if you want to be listened to. But that's too logical for some people, so let me go a step further. Not making your voice heard, leaves other people free to hijack it by speaking on your behalf, even if they don't actually give a shit about you. That's politics. So, make your voice heard. That's not a quote from anywhere. That's just me.
Last edited by NonIndigenous; December 7th 2015 at 07:28 AM.