I think that weight doesn't determine what a person's true worth is, and i'm pretty sure you're a nice, sweet person. But what i do know is that being happy with yourself, and eating healthily is definitely going to help you experience happier times. Just ignore what other people say, and remember that you don't deserve to beat yourself up.
I suggest that you try sports like swimming, jogging and perhaps basketball or football . These will help you to gain more confidence in yourself as well as achieve a more healthy lifestyle. These would also give you something else to think (it's fun to achieve new milestones in sports or to execute that cool new move that will be fun ) and also give you an outlet to express yourself

All these will help.
But what i want to tell you is that , as you are, you're awesome and you're already perfect. There's no reason to beat yourself up.. because there's no reason to criticize someone who's already perfect
I know that you can beat this

In case you want to rant out to anyone to anything or any daily problems, i'll always be free to listen.
Pm me anytime!!