untitled poem -
December 6th 2015, 01:09 AM
You tell yourself things will change
You will do anything to avoid his rage
You will do anything to keep him happy
You wont wear anything to make anyone so much as glance
It's your fault... you provoke him
You've caused him to be this way
You will do anything to win his approval
You don't realise how desperate your actions are
All you want is for the two of you to be happy
You don't want shouting or fighting
You will do anything to stop it from happening
Anything to stop his smile from slipping
One whole day without it all
You think you're winning
But you don't realise that you are losing... losing yourself
All for him
You think he is the love of your life
But all he brings to the table is upset, trouble and strife
You have lost so many friends
You let him take over
No one else sees the way he behaves
Nobody knows that you're afraid
You're sure one day he will kill you
But after it all it's all 'sorry' and 'it's all going to change'
One day you might have the strength to walk away
But for today, you'll stay.
Facta Non Verba
Deeds not words