Thread: Triggering: Do I have an eating disorder??
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Re: Do I have an eating disorder?? - November 17th 2015, 09:53 PM


Short answer to your main question? Yes, absolutely. Eating disorders do not in any way discriminate by weight, no more than they discriminate by hair colour or name.

Long answer: Although you may see weight being included in the diagnostic criteria for specific eating disorders, only one eating disorder I know of actually even includes weight at all. And there are so many subtypes and so many different behaviours that are classified as disordered eating that I would honestly advise you to not even try and diagnose yourself- instead, from what you've described, I'd reccommend you seek help for your problems surrounding eating. You describe some pretty unhealthy and dangerous behaviours there, and regardless of frequency the fact you're even thinking of acting is this way, never mind carrying it out, indicates some kind of problem. Making yourself sick, or purging, as it's referred to medically, is not something people with normal eating habits do; nor is fasting or excessive exercising. It doesn't matter to what extent you're doing these things, it's important you seek help for them. Eating disorders have a horrible tendency to worsen, and the more you fall the higher you have to then climb again.

Other than seeking help, I'd first say that if you can't stop these behaviours now, alone, seeking help is not an option, it's something I'd strongly recommend you do. Aside from that, I'd advise you keep a diary of your thoughts, actions and behaviours. Find out what kind of things you're thinking when one of these episodes hits. Then work to replace this unhealthy behaviour with something else. For example, being particularly stressed or hearing something triggering may lead someone to binge and then purge. In recovery, this behaviour would have to be replaced with something else, like going for a walk or talking to a friend. Find out what is upsetting and triggering your behaviours, and then work to reduce that.

It might also help you to talk to people online about this. Making a forum post was a good start! A lot of people have been there, and some are struggling right along with you now. Stick around and make use of the forums and blogs to vent your feelings and never hesitate to ask for advice (:

I really hope you're able to overcome these behaviours, you're worth so much more than hurting yourself <3

Take as long as you need.