Re: I think I may be pregnant at 15. -
November 11th 2015, 02:46 AM
I agree with Nicole. If you get a negative test, I would still consider getting an appointment with a health professional to look into getting birth control or you and your partner can get some condoms or reconsider sex from here on out. Sex without any protection is very risky for pregnancy, and by your age, fear and the frowny icon beside the title, I can safely assume pregnancy is not something you want. There are many ways to prevent it, including many birth control methods that are easy to hide from others so that nobody is immature or calls you names. It may depend on your age and where you live, but we can easily help you look that up. Let us know how the results go. If you end up pregnant, TeenHelp can also help you through the options. You're not alone; it seems that your boyfriend is there for you, along with the community here.
something burning?
