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Riverthewolf Offline
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Name: Matt
Age: 23
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Location: England

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Question Trouble with parents - November 9th 2015, 10:12 PM

So, I've known I was Bisexual for about a year now, but then I found out this. My father is STRONGLY against Gay, lesbians and Bisexuals. He doesn't have any religion that I know of I guess he just is. He refuses to listen to people that have that sexuality either. My mother, I still don't know about. She's generally the jokey, nice type of mum but can get very serious about some things. I'm unsure of how they will take it, but I think its something they should know. If I keep it in any longer, they'll probably find out themselves and i'll be in a pit of absolute ...
Any suggestions?
(I might add, it's gonna be pretty rough anyway because of social anxiety)

Likes? You ask my likes, I will say tacos. ALWAYS!