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BookDragon Offline
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Name: Caitlyn
Age: 28
Gender: Agender
Location: Florida

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Unhappy Feeling bullied by my parents - November 9th 2015, 06:04 AM

I feel like I'm bullied by my parents.

My mom scares the daylights out of me sometimes. One moment she'll be calm and laughing and the next she'll be in my face, pulling my hair and yelling at me. She'll then say it was my fault, that I made her do it. She is constantly talking about my weight, my appearance, making a big deal if I don't wear makeup. I don't like to, the brand she uses makes my face itch and she takes my makeup if I buy any because I don't buy the cheap stuff.

My dad makes me feel worthless, because some days I can barely pull myself out of bed to go to work. He calls me lazy, tells me I'm never going to do anything with my life, I have no reason to leave home since I'm unprepared for the world. He still expects me to hand over my paycheck every payday and only gives me a bit of it to spend on myself.

I used to have self care days but my parents make me feel like I'm not worth having them, that I'm too lazy and stupid and worthless.

Sorry for complaining, but I just am so tired of being treated like a doormat.

My body may be a temple but I am the god to whom it is devoted. Do not presume to tell me how I may decorate my altar.

repeat after me: i can and i will. i may not get there right away. i may fail multiple or even hundreds of times. but i am going to pick myself back up and eventually get to the point i want to be at in my life.