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Question Trouble with Parents and Religion? Coming out. - November 2nd 2015, 02:05 AM

I'm not really sure how to start so I'll just jump into it.

I've wanted to get my hair cut short as long as I remember, like a boys. But my Mom always says that with short hair it will make people think that I'm a lesbian or that I want to be a boy, and my hair has been super long my whole life.
I've known for a while that I wasn't completely straight, and that I liked boys and girls, but I've also not felt that right in my body. Sometimes I totally embrace my girl body and somedays I'll totally resent it. I've read about some people who are transexuals that say they have felt like they were in the wrong body their whole life, but I only feel like that sometimes and still like my girl body.
I also recenty found out that my parents didn't approve of homosexuality and transsexuality and that kind of stung. They never really spoke aloud about their beliefs, but when I had brought up how great it was that gay marriage had been legalized a couple months ago, their attitude totally changed and they told me they didn't approve and I dunno. I thought my parents would be better than that, and at the time I was starting to think I was bisexual and it really put a damper on things and how I thought about myself.
I've tried bringing up the subject a bit more, maybe to familiarize them more with the subject and maybe get them to understand a bit more, but they always kind of shy away from it and just phrase the Bible before changing the subject. I'm also a pretty religious person, and my Bible study group keeps bringing up the subject of homosexuality saying that its a sin and that if we try to "fix ourselves" then we will be sent to heaven with the rest of the followers and it makes me feel bad and sick inside, because I don't want to change and suppress that part of myself but still be close to God and go to heaven.
I'm afraid that if I come out that my parents would reject me, or even would say it was okay, but silently resent that part of who I was forever, and start to seperate me from their lives.
I love my parents and don't want to be seperate from them, but I want to come out and have short hair and wear suits and ties and boy dress shoes to church without being judged and just be myself.
I just need some advice. Help?