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Evanesco Offline
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Name: Harrison (or Harri)
Age: 30
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depression, eating disorder, chronic illness, university and other stuff - October 30th 2015, 07:04 PM

I disappeared for a couple of weeks. I'm really sorry about that, I've been unwell (more so than usual), then had my family visit, plus had a deadline to hit.

I'm having a really rough time at the moment. Depression has reared its ugly head again and I'm not sure how to cope. And my eating disorder is in relapse, with heavy restricting one week, binging non stop the next, rinse and repeat.

I've had cognitive behaviour therapy before. It did nothing for me, but that was when I was a teenager. I'm an adult now. I'm wondering if therapy might be a good thing to try again. I'm really finding it difficult to cope and have felt suicidal more than usual. But I'm worried about a few things.

a) That it will interfer with my treatment for my chronic illnesses. I have ME and fibro. The treatment I've been offered is psychologically based. I'm not sure whether it's a good idea to be seeking mental health treatment at this time. The doctors here usually say you have either ME or depression, not both - this is bullshit, one is physical and one is mental, but I'm scared that I'll end up with no treatment for anything or the wrong treatment.

b) That adult psych services are worth getting involved with if you're 'just' depressed. Now, I'm under the opinion that I actually have a couple of other mental illnesses/disorders. I won't go into them here because that's speculative and self diagnosing. I think, however, if I was going to speak to someone who wasn't just my general gp (who is oblivious to everything) that I would get diagnosed. But anyway, I've been told by friends with BPD, OCD etc to stay away from psych services if it's just depression.

I think I had a third thing but I have memory problems and I've forgotten it...

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Do you wanna come with me? 'Cause if you do, then I should warn you - you're gonna see all sorts of things. Ghosts from the past. Aliens from the future. The day the Earth died in a ball of flame. It won't be quiet, it won't be safe, and it won't be calm. But I'll tell you what it will be: The trip of a lifetime!

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RIP Granddad Terry. I'll miss you.