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  (#8325 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - October 28th 2015, 08:43 PM

I am so fucking sick of you! I am over you, you are so irrelevant in my life right now. But the only reason I even speak to you is so I have someone to communicate with in a more comfortable way. Ignoring me, breaking promises, making it all about yourself. Guess what, promises to friends are not meant to be broken if I am your friend like you claim me to be. Making it all about yourself and never inquiring into my well-being and such is incredibly selfish and careless. Again, you are making it seem as if I am not as important to you as you make me out to be when you say I am your good friend. Good friends don't do that to one another. You really shouldn't ignore me and thank god for that timer on Facebook. You know, the one that says how long you have been offline? Yeah. I notice you and that other person are on and off at the same time.

This isn't raging jealousy on my behalf. This is complete immaturity and lack of respect on your halves.
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