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Re: My Work -
October 21st 2015, 04:00 PM
Hey there,
I'm sorry to hear things are quite stressful for you right now. Hopefully ranting about it made you feel a bit better. I don't have much advice for you, but I still wanted to comment.
I agree that the stigma behind sex workers is pretty bad, and hopefully things will change in the future. There are many reasons why the stigma is so prevalent but I think some reasons could be that a lot of the time people aren't educated on what sex work is and who does it, they only see/hear about the dangerous and negative side of sex work, and people hold different beliefs when it comes to sex. I'm not trying to defend anyone, however I'm just trying to provide you with some examples as to why people may be giving sex workers a difficult time. Once you understand the reason for the stigma, it can help you sort of figure out how to approach it and what needs to happen for things to change for the better. (Ex. If someone is lacking the knowledge and passing judgments, educate them with accurate information). Hopefully this makes some sense. 
I think what you may want to do is prioritize and budget right now. Your rent, medical bills, and other bills are very important. I would suggest putting the carpet cleaning off for another time, when you know you'll be able to afford it on top of your basic expenses. Do not feel pressured into spending your money on this just because it's what someone else wants you to do. You're the one who knows how much money you have, you're the one living in your house, and you're the one who gets to choose what you want to do. I assume you have cleaned your carpets since your dog was sick and that you're not living in unlivable conditions. If this is the case, I would definitely postpone the carpet cleaning, as your other bills are essential and putting those off will only cause you more stress. Your cousin sounds like she doesn't really understand, and therefore, she's not really at liberty to say what you can and cannot afford.
Hopefully things turn around for you soon. Keep your head up. As long as you're working as a sex worker, please be careful and cautious. Make sure you are being as safe as you can be, and don't let money issues put your safety and well-being in jeopardy. Be smart about it, okay?
Good luck with everything.
Take care. :]
⚓ A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor. ⚓