Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
October 21st 2015, 01:21 AM
To my boyfriend:
I want you to fall in love with me so I can fall back into your arms and stay there forever, and not worry that you'll let me go.
Darling I think I'm in love with you...and it hurts to hide.
I wish I knew who you really were so I could stop struggling to figure it out without any help. You've shown me split personalities. All I want to know is which one you'll choose when we get more serious about each other.
To my ex-best friend:
You're a fake asshole and I feel bad for anyone who ever becomes friends with you in the future. I hope you change. I wanted you to change. But it's to late for us anymore. Too much damage in between. So go enjoy life and feel guilty about the ones you left behind. Especially me. I was the one that cared the most. You just cared about yourself. Well, guess what? I'm letting it go. No. I let it go. By asshole.
I no longer care---curiosity just gets the best of me