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Re: Self Harm -
October 20th 2015, 11:48 PM
Hey there.
I'm sorry you're currently struggling with self-harm. It sounds as if things in your life along with urges are difficult to manage right now.
Having your mom find out must have been scary. You are caring for not wanting to hurt her further but the truth is, her reaction just shows she cares a lot for you. Would it help to go to her about how you are feeling instead? Having her support could be helpful, comforting and hopefully help you through the feelings and urges you're having. She's your mom, she loves you and I am sure she'd be more than happy to listen to you. As mentioned, there are also additional adults you can go to if there's anyone you feel comfortable confiding in. A family member, a teacher or the school counselor for example. On that note, would you like to talk about what is going on in your life with us? You're welcome to share if you're comfortable enough. Sometimes simply venting can get things off your chest.
Do you know of anything that will help you cope in healthier ways right now? Do you have outlets and ways to express yourself? Journaling, creative writing and other creative hobbies can allow you to get your emotions out in a way that doesn't hurt you which is good. Hobbies in general and other relaxing, time-consuming distractions could be helpful too such as coloring. Exercise can be a good alternative as it releases endorphins just as self-harm does. On the subject of alternatives, I suggest checking out the list that Hilary linked. There are lots of alternatives that you can try out until you find a good few that work for you.
Something that may help you through difficult times such as this one is setting small goals. Set a self-harm free goal for a few days or a week, once you reach it, set another goal for another week and so on. There is also the 15 minute game where you don't self-harm for that 15 minutes and do other things to distract yourself during urges, once you go 15 minutes, try for another 15 minutes and so on. This could be good as it allows you to not feel so overwhelmed with large goals but rather take it step by step.
Just know that you can get through this without self-harm. You are already doing so well by simply reaching out here. You're strong enough to get through this so don't be afraid to reach out here for support through this and just hold on. Take care and stay strong. Recovery is possible.