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Kate* Offline
Outside, huh?
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Name: Katie
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - October 18th 2015, 06:47 PM

This is hypothetical based on the time my supervisor told me that if something bad happened with me, then that agency would probably never take anyone from my program again, then something happened, but this is what I wish I could've said:

Even he (my psychologist at the time who always told me I was overreacting to everything I was being told), admitted that was out of line. I was no angel, I apologized profusely for it, and for what it's worth I'm not sure I had complete control over it. However, the actions another person takes in response to my behavior are not my responsibility; especially considering I did what I could to make it right. I will not be guilt-tripped into accepting blame for someone else's choices. This was the ONLY time in 20 years that it happened, if they make a decision that drastic based on one incident then there's more going on. But, if you want to play the blame game, someone allowed me to when there were years worth of doubt and PLENTY of time to shut me down, and I did what she told me to after it happened even if she lied and tried to put her lack of action back on me. If they told the truth and my reputation isn't shot, then on some level you know my true character and believe at least part of my side of it. If they lied and it is shot, then I'm as screwed as I thought, but karma will get them for that. This ruined my life and there will be karma for your parts in it. I'm also betting that they don't know like I do that your notes were full of words you twisted to make me look bad, and I bet that it's not in their story that I left because she told me to, only that she blamed me for the fact that she never said anything to my face about it because I left.

Member Since: September 19, 2007
LHO: March 31, 2008- October 13, 2012

"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." Jean Paul Sarte

Last edited by Kate*; October 21st 2015 at 02:30 AM.
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