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Re: just told someone about self harm -
October 9th 2015, 07:48 PM
You did so well by talking to your teacher about this. It must have taken a lot for you to open up about it so you should be proud of yourself regardless of the outcome. I'm sorry that you're not comfortable with the fact of your dad wanting to talk about it often. You are right though, your dad seems worried and wants to help you. You're his child, he loves you and he sees that you're obviously struggling, so he probably doesn't know how else to help other than listen to you which is a great approach. He doesn't seem to be trying to make you quit or be reacting in negative ways that won't help, but talk about it instead to see if he can be of any help/support. Is it okay if I ask why you don't want to talk to your dad about this? I understand there are some people you feel comfortable with talking about sensitive issues with and some you just aren't comfortable with but it could really help if a parent were to understand what you're going through so you can have support at home.
You can write a note to your dad if that'd be easier for you than verbally talking. But if you aren't comfortable talking with him and you feel uncomfortable when he tries to approach you about it so often, it might be a good idea to kindly and respectfully tell him that you appreciate him offering to let you talk about it but you don't feel like opening up about it just yet.
Eventually I do hope you let your parents in on what you're going through. You shouldn't have to go through this alone. Stay strong and hold on, you can do this!