Hi. I know this might sound kinda silly, but I'm 15 and I need help to kill a masturbation addiction. Recently I've been masturbating about every night to every other and I really need to stop. You might think it doesn't sound that unhealthy but when I first started masturbating too much I developed mild tinnitus. I don't really think that overmasturbation is the sole reason for it, because I was also depressed and blasting heavy metal 24/7 with earbuds whenever possible(just to tone out people) and so I developed it. It usually calms down when I stop masturbating for a while but starts back up when I start again. I don't really know why I masturbate so much, though. I think it's just lack of self control when I get horny. An easily accessible, vast porn internet database doesn't really help matters either though. I'm not socially inactive, though. I mean I'm now in cross country, which takes up my weekends, and school, homework, and friends(plus daily morning practice) takes up all my weekday time. . . and on top of that I find room for guitar practice every day, but somehow I still masturbate a lot. It's kinda mentally unhealthy and hurts my ears at random times until I abstain myself for a couple of weeks(don't know how and I do it without trying). . . so, any ideas on how to kill this addiction? I'm fine with masturbating every 2 weeks to 1 month, but every day or other day isn't normal. Ideas are appreciated. Thanks.