My boyfriend and I had sex on the 12th and was supposed to have my period on the 15th. My period never came it's already the 24th. Yes, it was unprotected but he never came in me or anything. It happened twice on that day. At first, He didn't ejaculate, so he pulled out and I just gave him a hand job and that's when he came. After maybe an hour or two, he washed off and we had sex again but didn't ejaculate again. Although, is it possible that maybe the pre-cum has some leftover sperm in it? I've read in some articles online that there might be sperm left in pre-cum if you ejaculated on the same day..
Also, I've been getting my normal period symptoms such as my breasts being sore. And I've been having discharge too, which is usually before my period starts. I really thought I was gonna have my period too since I've been getting minor cramps.
I would really appreciate any help.