Re: Complaint of the day -
September 21st 2015, 04:20 PM
[Strong language]
Not really a complaint but wow some youtube comments are just shocking as fuck.
"Men are made for fucking girls, we're meant to objectify girls because they are there for sex so what's your problem? Get used to it" and I can pick much worse.
Like first of all, that behavior is acceptable in tribe-like times. You know, when there's not much of Humanity left. The same goes if there's ever some apocalypse that wipes most humans. It's built in us for emergencies i suppose...
But now, there's what? 7 billion of us? That behavior is not needed and there's no need for senseless fucking since now it's all about advancing humanity, if all men just wanna have sex then humanity is screwed. Children need good parents, girls getting pregnant there and there (either caused by a stupid, selfish obsession of wanting a baby when you can't afford one or basically some complete horrible, selfish prick used them like a toy) will just create children who will be awful people in the future due to the lack of stable, good parents. Children without good enough parents are at risk of becoming: thieves, robbers, murderers, rapers, child molesters and god knows what else (basically it's not useful for society and harms society, and more of them will breed like flies). Yes, there is a chance they'll still turn into good people in spite of a decent life but that's a small percentage.
It should be a damn law if you have a child too early or you don't have a partner interested in becoming a father/mother, then your child will be put up for adoption as there are other parents out there who are better for the child.
The more kids with stable, good parents then the more good, skilled people that'll profit Humankind. Simple as that... and that's where the term "Love" comes in as that's important in today's society. If two people love each other dearly, then surely they'll be good parents if it comes to that and good parents means = Great children with morales and may use their skills to advance humankind, although regardless of that... if they don't have any skills that will... help society (or protect) then at the very least, they are innocent, good people and even their children could be the next great inventor.
No wonder it's easy to lose faith in humanity when you see people seeing girls in a barbaric manner as well as dumb girls who submit their asses and boobs to those lowly men.