Re: Complaint of the day -
September 19th 2015, 02:52 AM
I really wanna get back to writing, there's so much to do for my fantasy series and the spin-off I briefly planned for the end of the chapter 1 series would be a real turning point to the main character of the chapter 1 series. The change from a hero to a villain, although he's turned into a grey, tragic character... who just got the right idea but the wrong, vile methods.
He may or may not be the villain of the chapter 2 series, well it's either that he's somewhat mention.
Of course... I got my apocalypse universe to take care of first, I haven't constructed a proper workaround to its timeline and the events leading to the story it's taking place in. *sighs*
Well that's my long complaint, a complaint of myself really because I just can't find it in me to write yet I can feel the creative power stored in me lol...