Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
September 7th 2015, 02:30 PM
I thought that i still needed you in my life, but i guess not, seeing as you dont want me in yours. Seriously, you need to man up. Stop being such a freaking wuss about everything and stand up for once, or at least stick to your word and mean what you say. I want you to be there with me, i wish that i could talk to you and things could just go back to the way they were befor, but i guess you dont want that. You dont care about me at all then, and i guess you dont want me around. Fine. But dont you dare come crawling back to me with tears in your eyes saying that youve made a mistake and that you want me back, or some bullshit like that. You werent man enough for me, and i knew from the beginning that it would never work out, i was just too overwhelmed and actually happy for once, so i didnt want it to end. I Was just being stupid, and i thought that you would help make things better. Maybe its a good thing that we dont talk anymore, not only did you make things worse, but you still trigger me. Your just not good for me anymore.
long story short, you dont care, and you not good for me, so i dont want you in my life anymore. Im sorry if this hurts you, but you needed to hear it.
I know you are looking for a sea that lies beyond your reach
But im hoping my heart can stop you before you reach the beach
I know you have places to go
I know that you want the sea
But im hoping my heart will grow and that you'll
come back to me.....