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MsNobleEleanor Offline
I can't get enough
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I lied to my doctor - August 18th 2015, 01:35 PM

I've been sick for over a week now. I don't think it's ever going to get better. I saw my doctor last week and just yesterday evening because I'm not getting better. It started with a stomachache that hurt, next day it began.

I lied to my doctor yesterday evening. I've been having diarrhea and it's waking me up and going during the day. Thankfully last night I wasn't woken up with it or the night before, but the night before my stomach was sore.

She asked me if I gained any weight or lost any in the last 3 months. I lied to her. I gain all this weight and then I lost it all really fast. I didn't do anything to lose it either. I'm ashamed with how much I gain and then lost that amount. I'm still at the same weight as before.

If I have it next week then it's going to be concerning because then I'll be tested for Crohns and this and that. This has never happened to me with IBS. I'm freaking out. It's not normal.
I should have not lied but I did with reason, I just don't want to believe there might be a possibility something else is going on.
I might call them to tell the receptionist to send a note to her about it. Might help with well, my situation.

It was a lot of weight I gain in a short time them lost it all in a short time... I wanted to lose that weight not gain it and go back to the weight ive been at.

I don't know what to really do. I want it to run its course but it's not. Maybe it's a longer viral thing. I guess more than 2 weeks it's not a viral thing it's something else which I'm just worried.