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  (#8217 (permalink)) Old
DeletedAccount24's Avatar
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - August 1st 2015, 05:09 PM

Uh... Please, if you are gonna post pictures of the kiddos in your lives, at least make sure they're wearing pants and a top in the picture! I don't need to see the underwear of a six year old, followed by comments questioning whether or not they're on correctly!

You may personally know some of the people on your FB Friends List, but what about the rest? Use your noggin for fuck's sake! I'm not saying any of them would exploit children, but you can't ever be too safe.

And honestly, I like seeing pictures of kiddos doing dorky things clothed because after two... children need to wear clothes because that's just how it works in society, and they need to learn that! What message are you sending to your grandson?
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