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Re: Dreaming About Self Harm - July 30th 2015, 04:12 AM

Oddly enough, I had a dream about self-harm about a week ago that was kind of similar. In my dream, I was changing in my room for a party, and I went to put on my dress. I hadn't worn the dress in a long time, and when I put it on, a razor blade fell out. The next thing I knew, I was cutting with it.

I, for one, get these dreams quite often. I feel it is because I am still struggling a bit with trying to stop. I haven't cut in almost five months, and the urge is still pretty strong some days. I've noticed the dreams will usually correspond with the days I had the strongest urges, so I am thinking it is my mind's way of dealing with the urges. I read somewhere that when you sleep, dreams are caused by your brain trying to sort through the day and store the things it feels important to remember. And since I read that, I've paid attention and noticed that all my dreams will have some sort of relation to a event that day. For example, the night I had the dream I described above, I came across a red dress I haven't worn in a while and I thought about wearing it on my birthday at my party. I think my dream was related to that. Some aspects of the details will change (my party or someone else's, the color of the dress, the room I was in, etc), but there will be some sort of resemblance to an event that day.

After a dream about self-harm, I find it helpful to try to relax before going back to sleep. As Dez said, certain scents are relaxing. I find eucalyptus spearmint lotion to be relaxing. I found it at Bath and Body Works, it is one of their aromatherapy scents. It is for stress relief, and it does work. A lot of people tell me it smells like Irish Spring soap, I'm honestly not quite sure it does. Lavender is also calming, at least to me. I'll look up some more once I finish my train of thought and stick it to the bottom of this before I post. Listening to calming music, or doing yoga is also helpful.

Top ten relaxing scents:

Ylang-Ylang (although some people say it is NOT relaxing, but the opposite)