Originally Posted by Gidig
A few things, first, I'm not sure of many jobs that require you to work at home? Unless it's an entire stay at home job, but usually you're provided with an office that you're able to go into to work, and aren't required to take work home.
I may be wrong, but I day say anything in civil service or anything buisness like may at least require you to review documents at home, or maybe take work home with them- my mum runs a entire floor of a shop and she does need to do work at home- check figures add up, performance reviews etc etc because it's simply not possible to fit it in with the entire day. I'm not saying a large majority of jobs do, but a fair few of them do.
Another thing is.. WHOA! Did you only get thirty minutes of homework a week? And have you reviewed the learning curriculum for primary schools? [Here they're elementary schools] My brother and sister probably get an average of 3 or 4 hours of homework a week, not including the time fighting them to make them do it. If it was 30 minutes once a week, I have to agree that'd be an entirely different story. And I had a class working as an elementary school teacher aid for a while, and they don't do all the crafts, let's sit around and play kind of stuff. That's actually been a complaint around here for a while. They go to school and work all day besides recess which is rather short compared to a child's attention span and the amount of work they're doing in class.
Admittedly 30mins was more at very early years, but in Year 6 the most it would take was 2hrs and that was for like, big projects. (Of course this is just my school) I agree, 3-4hrs is ridiculous though. it shouldn't be that much, and it shouldn't be abolished entirely.
I think the system in the UK is entirely different too within the secondary schools?
Secondary Schools for me were/are Year 7-11 Compuslory.
Pre GCSE you're forced to do One language, Maths, Science, English, History so forth.
At GCSE I was forced to do English, Maths, Science (With a choice to take them together or seperatly as Bio/Chem/Phys), IT and one language. It was then free choice to pick another 5-7 subjects (depending on how many you could fit in.)
Then the optional Sixth Form where you pick everything you take. Usually 4 subjects and you drop one eventually.
(hope that helps.)