Originally Posted by YourNightmare
How is that any different from science? If the bible says "believe this", I fail to see where the element of choice comes in. Science has to do with explaining, and if you don't agree with that explanation and have a reason not to, that's fine. Saying "believe this" is a command, not an option.
Why would we be too dumb to understand our brains supposing it were possible?
Isn't god said to be not a human or human-like, so how would he have a physical brain?
No. The Bible doesn't command it, it asks you too, - for your own sake, but it is all up to you.
Thing is, our brains are so complicated and we still don't understand it completely. - But if our brains were so simple that we could understand it, we still wouldn't be able to understand it, because then our brains would be too simple. - You know?
I never said God had a physical brain - He may have, He may not.
BUT when we aren't able to understand our
own brains, how in the world are we supposed to understand something that's even greater?