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charliemoosic Offline
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is college/university to expensive? - July 2nd 2015, 02:57 PM

hey guys, just wanted to express my feelings towards the price of higher education and encourage anyone to do the same

so i live in the UK which means that we can apply for a student loan covering the whole cost of your tuition fees. you don't pay this back until you are earning over £23,000pa (around $32000) and even then it is spread out over like 30 years or something so you're only paying it back bit by bit.

i haven't yet started university so i can't tell you how much else you have to pay out for except rent and living costs only that while you can apply for accommodation loans and grants, they don't help out completely. where do you get the other money from for what your loans and grants don't pay out for? your parents could pay for it but that could put them in money trouble. you could get a job but that could affect your studies, which is what you're needing the money for in the first place. or you could get a bank loan which you would have to find a way to pay back anyway so that's only a temporary fixture.

this morning i read in the news (bbc news) that uk universities are pressing for an increase in the maximum tution fees, which is currently set at £9000pa (around $12600), saying that the value has decreased as inflation has risen (this means that the value of money is worth less which is why others costs has risen such as bread and milk. everything's more expensive!). when the cap was first put on tuition fees in the UK in 1998 the maximum universities could charge was £1000pa (around $1400), this is such a large increase in 17 years, i feel. i understand that the fees have risen due to inflation, increased student population and probably higher bills, but isn't it too much per student?

i'm taking a gap year from the next two weeks and cannot work. if the maximum fees increase to over £10000 i don't think i can go because it's too much to pay out, afterall 9/10 universities currently charge the maximum fee in the UK.

most jobs paying above minimum wage (which is not a living wage) ask for a degree, but i have a feeling increased costs are going to drive people away. is this survival of the fittest now?

i'm not asking for advice, or suggestions. i just wanted to express my views and hear other people's views outside my friendship group.



Last edited by Celyn; July 2nd 2015 at 05:21 PM. Reason: Merging 2 consecutive posts