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Re: Travel Anxiety -
June 29th 2015, 01:42 AM
Hi, Louise! 
I don't experience travel anxiety but I'm sorry you do, especially with a long trip coming up. Even though I don't experience it, I still hope I can help you a bit!
Do you know what causes your anxiety revolving around travel? Writing down the causes and pinpointing what's causing it may be helpful. For example, are you worried about a pet that'll be staying at home? Figuring out what's worrying you is helpful because you might have control over relieving some of those worries, like, if you are worried about a pet then you could ask a friend or family member to go by and check on your pet. Just an example.
On the trip, distract yourself with reading and music like you usually do until you feel like sleeping. Perhaps you could bring something that comforts you, like a stuffed animal, blanket or pillow that makes you feel better? Small simple hobbies might be a good idea as well, such as knitting, playing a card game with a passenger etc. Bringing a notebook to write down thoughts and feelings going through your mind could be a good idea so that you have a way to express yourself.
Maybe you could also use some of this travel experience to ease yourself into feeling a bit more comfortable with traveling. Remind yourself that the trip doesn't have to go perfect to still enjoy it and that trips can be an adventure of some sort. Look out the window to do some sight-seeing, I'm sure you'll come across some pretty scenery that could be really relaxing. When you start feeling anxiety, look up at the clouds for relaxation and focus on your breathing (if it's not too sunny of course, haha).
Hope this helped. As for the trip, I hope that it goes well and still turns out to be a enjoyable experience for you. Best of luck and let me know how it goes!