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Re: my depression -
June 22nd 2015, 12:13 AM
Hi there, Calvin. 
First off, I'm sorry about all of this going on. Seems like you have a lot of stress and negative things happening in your life, so I can understand why you'd feel so low. As for your driver's license, is it okay if I ask why you haven't gotten it yet? Studying for it and taking it could be a first step towards independence which may help you. In the meantime, do you think it would help to include hobbies to do in your spare time? Distracting yourself with things you enjoy and keeping your days filled with things that entertain you could add a bit more happiness and things to look forward to.
have you been able to talk to anyone about your feelings regarding your break-up, along with all the other things going on in your life? Talking to someone about the things you're stressed about, your feelings and what's going on could be really helpful as bottling things up is unhealthy. Which is why I'm really glad you reached out here! TeenHelp can be great for support, but real life support is important too. Do you have a therapist or psychiatrist you can go to? Professional help could be really beneficial and it's completely okay to reach out for that.
Depression has a way of making people feel like they're all alone and that no one cares about them. Which is why it's a really good idea to remind yourself of the people in your life. Think about your friends, even though you feel you "mooch off of them", they're helping you because they care about you, you know? They don't want you to go through things alone which is why they help you. I imagine they enjoy doing so, and that they don't see you as "mooching off them". I bet they just see a friend in need and are happy to help. If you do feel bad, perhaps you could return some of the favors by helping them out with basic things whenever you have the opportunity? For example, helping them clean the car, helping them move, things like that.
These things you're struggling with, none of it makes you a loser, you know? You aren't a loser at all, Calvin. So many people struggle with money and life issues just as you do. None of these things define who you are as a person. You're still a nice person with your qualities and I think it could help you improve your self-esteem by focusing on the positives about yourself. Focus on one part of your body, such as your eyes or your hair for example then try finding other things. Along with that, take note of your qualities personality-wise. Everyone has their strengths and so do you. I'm sure you have a lot of great qualities about you that you don't yet see. On that note, practice treating yourself like a friend. Step away from all the stress for a few hours and do something that makes you happy. Whether it be a hobby, a favorite snack, just anything relaxing.
Just keep in mind that while I see you're really struggling right now, that it does get better, okay? You don't have to go through this alone because you have all of TeenHelp here for you! We're always happy to listen. In the meantime, keep holding on because nothing stays gray and rainy forever. There's always happier times awaiting. Stay strong.