Thread: I'm pregnant...
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Lizzie Offline
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Re: I'm pregnant... - June 9th 2015, 07:07 PM

Your doctor can order a dating ultrasound to get a better idea of how far along you are and estimate a due date. Dating ultrasounds are fairly accurate when done in the first trimester.

Bowel issues are very common. And the light cramping you feel is your uterus growing. It feels like period cramps and is also very normal. You will feel that probably throughout your pregnancy. And morning sickness and headaches are also very common. I know it's a lot to deal with, but just try to relax as much as possible. Taking breaks and small naps during the day will give your body the break it needs while it's working hard.

Taking birth control while you are pregnant, before you know you are pregnant, doesn't seem to have any side effects. I was in the same boat, I also go pregnant on the pill. But my doctor said there wasn't anything to worry about.

Bleeding isn't necessarily a bad sign. I spotted almost every day from week 7 to week 10. There wasn't a real reason for it to happen, but it did. My doctor says it happens sometimes and they don't know why. But it stopped at ten weeks.

If you have severe bleeding, like you soak through your pad to your underwear, or you have severe pain where you can't move, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

If you are used to lifting fifty pounds there should not be an issue with you continuing to do so. But be sure to listen to your body, if you feel too tired or weak, ask someone to help you.

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