Re: Boyfriend said he feels like a therapist or caregiver sometimes? -
June 8th 2015, 02:28 PM
I've experienced this from the other side with one or two friends, both of whom had significant mental health problems and their personal/social lives fueled it. I can totally understand how your boyfriend might be feeling, because when you care about a person, you don't want to make them feel like they can't talk to you or that you don't care (he likely cares A LOT!) but constantly having to take the burden of someone else's problems can begin to wear on you and cause a lot of stress of your own.
I feel like (based on experience) the solution isn't to just stop telling him stuff, but if your mental health is starting to interfere with your everyday life, then maybe it is time for you to see a therapist. Lets say you're having to talk about it every day, you guys can't go anywhere cause you're to "sick" to want to go out (and by "sick" I mean "insert symptoms of depression / anxiety"). It'll likely become a lot easier if you're able to address what you're dealing with and begin treating it. That way you're getting the outlet you need and your boyfriend doesn't have to carry the burden.
I know therapy can be expensive, but it might be covered by your insurance and sometimes it'll be covered for a much reduced cost (if not free) for minors.
Feel free to PM me if you ever need to chat or have questions 