Originally Posted by Vonnieelanee
Maybe get a test incase? If it's possible
I took a test Friday and it was negative, but I don't know if it's too early to be having symptoms or not. But, I've had constipation, a headache, a bit of fatigue, and small amount of nausea. I've also "puked" (not sure if it was really even enough to be considered puke bc it was kind of liquid and just had a few bits of food in it) twice. The date the child would have been conceived would be May 2nd, but I had a period on May 19th-May 23rd, and I didn't start having any of these symptoms until Wednesday night, May 27th, around 10PM-11PM after eating from Sonic a few hours prior (3-4 hours prior). It may be food poisoning, but would food poisoning cause all of this? I'm trying to wait for my missed period, but I'm not due to start until June the 16th, which is in 3 more weeks.