Warning: Triggering (
I love you, but you can be so fucking insensitive sometimes. YOU'RE the one who told me to go see her! Now you want me to cancel? Oh, I guess because I'm not skeletal like she was I can't have
too many issues with eating, right? They must not be that serious, right? Certainly not enough to warrant such an expense, dear me! You know what, I was self-conscious enough already. I'd LOVE to not go to the nutritionist. I'm just doing fine with my "system," thank you very much, but nooo, everyone else insists I go, INCLUDING you, need I remind you, which apparently I do.
Look, I GET that money doesn't grow on trees. But I just don't understand why you would give me the name of this nutritionist and then you'd be upset when I have an appointment with her. You knew how much she cost when you recommended her to me; you paid for my sister to see her. Then to go on and invalidate my issues in the name of saving money? How could you do something like that?
And please, don't act like it's all upon you to bear. I KNOW Dad pays half my medical bills, as much as you would like me to believe otherwise. You have no idea how self-conscious I am about how much my medical care costs. So congratulations for making me feel like shit.