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thebigmole Offline
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Re: UK Teachers: Ban Homework For Kids Under 11 - April 18th 2009, 09:45 PM

Originally Posted by Gidig View Post
Second, aren't we talking about benefiting all the students? If we're only benefiting a few, then the whole point of school has changed. You're basically saying that if you don't want to be taught, kids shouldn't have to come to school, which I entirely disagree with.
That's not what I'm saying. In high school it gets to a point where we are required to take classes that not all of us need for our careers. The kids who actually bother to remember what they learn in those classes are the ones who plan to use that information later in life. For those who don't plan to what's wrong with them doing enough to pass the class, even if the information doesn't stick.

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