Thread: Non-PG13 (Strong Language): Screaming thread.
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Re: Screaming thread. - May 5th 2015, 02:01 AM

Fuck ALL of you! I'm sorry, I didn't talk during YOUR check-ins, so why the fuck do you think you can talk during mine? Furthermore, what gives you the RIGHT to think you can give me advice on MY body? "Try weight watchers."" A friend has been going to Overeaters Anonymous; she has a sponsor and she's been doing great." I wasn't ASKING for your FUCKING INPUT! And did y'all not just what I said? You REALLY think throwing out a diet recommendation that includes obsessing over what I eat or anything with the word "overeater" in it is a good idea? GET OFF MY FUCKING ASS, you insensitive assholes. It's comments like that that made me engage in ED behaviors in the first place.

You know what? Let's talk about that. Oh, the fat girl says she's going on a diet and suddenly EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHER thinks they can give her advice without her asking about it. I'm sorry, do I comment on what YOU eat? Do I tell you maybe you should think twice about what you're about to shove in your mouth? No? Then what in the HELL thinks you have the right to comment on what I DO? Are you a nutritionist or a doctor that I PAID to see for help with my diet? No? THEN STEP THE FUCK OFF, MOTHERFUCKERS.
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