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Re: Talking to my doctor? - April 28th 2015, 05:03 AM


I am so sorry that your doctor dismissed your concerns just because you were smiling. That really wasn't right, because as I am sure you know, even someone with depression can have good days where they smile sometimes, or they can fake a smile to convince people that they are okay, and that mask can be hard to take off, even for professionals.

Do you think it would help to get a second opinion from a different doctor if possible? Someone else may listen to your concerns more.

Maybe you can keep a journal of how you are feeling. Write down what you are feeling and going through on a daily basis in this, so you can show this to the doctor and use it as a bit of backup. Alternatively, if it is easier to explain things in writing, you can write a note.

If they start in saying that you're smiling and not depressed, maybe remind them of the things I said above, that you can still have good days or put on a fake smile. You can even be honest with them and tell them that they aren't taking you seriously and you don't appreciate that.

In general, be as honest as possible. The more details you give, the better they will be able to evaluate the situation.

I basically told my doctor what I'd been feeling and what I'd done to cope.


Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive