Originally Posted by Deedlit
Keep the homework I say. Having a fight with your kid about getting them to do their homework doesn't do any lasting damage, and it really woul dmake all the difference in the future.
And for the record, my school started at 8.55am and finished at 3.30 or 3.35 depending on which floor you were on. 15 mins for playtime and 50 mins for lunch.
Two things. One, getting either of my siblings to do their homework is a full out fight. Like, it's not a one time thing. Things usually get thrown, my brother has even ran away because he doesn't want to do his homework. Yeah, my family is crazy, but there are various other kids who have the same problem. Maybe not that extreme, but it CAN have lasting damage depending on the family.
Second, we definitely didn't have that much time for lunch. I am insanely jealous. We literally had to eat in five minutes. We had a twenty minute lunch, it took us five minutes to get to the cafeteria, five minutes to get through the line because our school was stupid, five minutes to eat, and you had to be outside for at least five minutes.
Originally Posted by Kate
But your all focused on your own opinions rather than the ones in the article. Yes, maybe homework didnt always work for you but does that mean that ALL homework should be banned from ALL children?? Hell to the no!
It's our experiences that will speak for those of who are going through it now. =) How else are we supposed to form an opinion?
Originally Posted by Grizabella
I think we need to find a method of teaching where the students actually learn the material, rather than learn how to do good on assignments and tests. I have no idea what that method might be, but I think we need one. In almost all of my classes in high school, I rotely learned the material (through the homework my teachers threw at me), retained it just long enough to pass a test or exam, and then it was in one ear and out the other. I didn't learn very much content in high school, I learned how to beat the system.
completely agree!