Thread: Triggering (Substances): Anxiety & Drugs
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Morpheus Offline
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Re: Anxiety & Drugs - April 8th 2015, 02:25 AM

Thank you for your reply. I am not sure what I will do, but I am going to show my doctor and counselor the post I wrote here. I will print it out and take it to them. Also, the one issue I face a lot, is that doctors and nurses and everyone I've seen, has tried to look back into my history and suggest that maybe I was raped or sexually assaulted. They won't accept that I know this was brought on by the drugs, particularly the marijuana. I have always had some anxiety and depression, but it was 1/10,000th of this. It was very very minor, so I know the marijuana pulled it out. I had no other issues at the time. Another thing they tend to blame is that I am a drug addict, and that that caused it (because it's easier to blame illicit narcotics than it is to blame marijuana and have to figure out how it affected me). And then they just tell me it was because of my Drug Of Choice and not the marijuana, yet it all started happening right after all of that, and I was off my D.O.C. at the time, and while addiction does give me anxiety, I never ever felt the other affects I am feeling now, so even though the addiction aggravates it and has given me anxiety before, it's nothing in relation to now, and I had a worse addiction in some time before all this ever happened.