Thanks guys, glad you like them! The animals are awesome and so unusual I thought you'd like to see them, if they have actual names i'll put it in brackets.
In order they are;
1. Whites Tree Frog (Chubb)
2. Blue & Gold Macaw (Jewel)
3. Blue Morpho Butterfly
4. Goeldi's Monkey (Bailey)
5. Red Bellied Terrapin
6. Burmese Python (Eric)
7. Macleays Stick Insect
8. Curly Haired Tarantula
9. Veined Tree Frog (Houdini)
10. Marañón Poison Frog
11. Amazon Tree Boa (Banana)
Originally Posted by Aponi
You work with Butterflies?!?!?!?!!!!!!
I do, I had a phobia of them at first and I had to get over it eventually! We also have these guys as well but I'm not a fan of these guys! (Atlas Moths with a 12" wingspan!)