College :( -
March 16th 2015, 08:53 PM
Hi, I'm basically in my first year of college - which is a place ive always aspired to get to and hope to come out with good grades to go on to university... the usual. However, as i'm coming to pretty much the end of my AS year, i'm actually starting to loose all motivation and actually stop caring about college. Like, i've tried explaining to some friends hoping they'd maybe understand but i just get told the same think 'oh youre overreacting, oh its only two years' etc etc etc. But i just want people to understand i've had enough of it all, i can't cope with it. I don't know what I'm expecting i just need to get it all out, I honestly just don't care at all anymore, like i don't see the point of getting out of bed because it just seems like i waste of my time. Like its just shit. Idk someone help.