You know usually, I tell you whatever it is on my mind to you because that's how I am. But with this I guess I can't. I don't know when the fork in the road came about, but its life and it happens but I still care for you and love you just as much as I did before. You're still my best friend even if we don't talk as much. I'm living my life and I'm not stuck in the past, so don't worry about me becoming "that guy" who can't accept change. But last night when I was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling listening to music, I was thinking about you and my eyes started to tear up because I miss you so much and that happens a lot when I think about you. Anyway, I look forward to hanging out with you, and when I get to see you and we'll go out into the town and get wasted as fuck

! And I don't know if after we went past that fork we go off into different roads, but I just want you to know that this past 12 months or so has been the best year in my life and you had a real impact on me and I'm so glad I met you. I just want you to be happy in life because your a beautiful wonderful person who has a lot to offer...I love you, and I won't forget you.