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DYon Offline
Music once made me happy
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Name: David
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - February 28th 2015, 05:14 AM

Sometimes I really want to question you, but don't say anything. I sometimes wonder if you can even see a good thing in front of you.

Do you not notice what someone does for you when he doesn't *have* to? Someone who spent literally ~120 hours of the week with you while you were sick to check up on you and try to make things better? (though mind you I was sick too so it was good to be in good company)

You know, said person probably did all that because you may just happen to be the most important thing to him and he wants to protect said most important thing.

I don't know if that is how you may interpret it, but said person does. Said person also remembers all the things you said to him that were not just "silly things".

Said person could be worth everything to you one day. Why are you afraid of said person? What about everything scares you?

Maybe said person wants to do anything in his power to make you the happiest person in the world and he may have much to offer you. Perhaps you make said person the happiest person in the world as well. Just some food for thought.

Last edited by DYon; February 28th 2015 at 05:35 AM.
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